Shihan Raul Rucarean has founded TSG KARATE CLUB in 2012 after more than 20 years of practicing Martial Arts.
The main goal of the club is to pass on years of experience in a safe and fun environment for the children. Teaching them, discipline, self defence and helping them to grow the confidence they need in everyday life.
For the adults we are running full contact classes where some throwing including restraint and locks are also allowed.
The training consists primarily of kihon(basic techniques) and our TSG Kata. Unlike traditional styles these Kata contain effective Fighting Combinations and are always practiced with a training partner (Uke).
TSG Dojo Etiquette
A Budo-ka should always show good discipline and respect towards their fellow man.
In the Dojo one should never use swear words or bad language.
At all times in the Dojo correct titles must be used when talking to a Black Belt or Instructor.
10th Dan Soke
8th -9th Dan Hanshi
5th – 7th Dan Shihan
3rd – 4th Dan Sensei
1st – 2nd Dan Sempai
When addressing a Black Belt or Instructor in the Dojo all conversations or questions start with a bow, the word “Osu” and the correct title in the Japanese tradition.
When entering or leaving the Dojo one should always bow to the Dojo and whoever is in the Dojo and say “Osu”.
Students who are in the Dojo before a lesson starts must stand up and greet a Black Belt with “Osu” when they enter the Dojo.
One should always come to the training in time but if one should come late, one should sit in Seiza by the entrance and wait until the Instructor says that one may join the class.
If one needs to leave the Dojo for any reason one should first get the permission of the Instructor and then leave with caution.
To avoid injuries no jewellery, watches, rings etc, should be worn during the training. Jewellery that can’t be removed must be taped over.
Personal hygiene is very important. Finger and toe nails must be short and clean.
Beginners may wear normal training clothes during their first few lessons, otherwise a Gi is compulsory at all times.
Our Gi is our uniform and it should be worn with respect. It should be clean and ironed and in good condition. Only the official TSG Gis may be worn. No other logos than those of the TSG which are stipulated for Gis may be worn.
It is compulsory for females to wear a black T-shirt under the Gi.
Males may wear a black T-shirt under the Gi.
Only the official TSG sparring gloves or similar may be used during sparring or fighting.
Only white Budo shoes may be worn in the Dojo.
The dress code of the TSG International is a very important part of the concept. The way we present ourselves towards others will affect the way others perceive us. This applies not only in the Dojo but also at Tournaments and Training Camps etc.
“Osu” is a combination of the words Oshi (meaning “push”) and Shinobu (meaning “to endure”).
It means patience, determination, appreciation, respect and perseverance.